Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Town Topic

I dare not call this establishment a landmark of our fair city. No, I rightfully bequeath it a national legend. There is little that can quell the urges spurned by an evening of boozing and perusing.

The stimuli one is faced with upon entering this joint is equivalent to veritable human carnival of pleasure. One can be more than witness to this spectacle. Behold a large man towering over a griddle older than some of your parents. Staring menacingly down as burgers, onions, and cheese cower beneath the master's tools. Orders are yelled by an equally opposing wielder of cash register, order pad, and tour guide of this establishment. Shakes are mixed as pies of all color and size await their doom, as even they may end up on the griddle before the night's end.

There are burger joints, and then there is town topic. What she lacks in size she makes up for in experience. A towering behemoth in the world of diners and dives. Though there may be those who rival her, perhaps even in this fair city, she is beautiful and terrible and magnificent in all her glory.

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